In the opening scene we can see an urban looking city the colour scheme used is light blues, light greys and cream s. The titles are show in bold lettering among the buildings. The name of the cast is also show in the opening titles in bold typography the colour of the type is a light greyish white colour with shadowing. In the background we hear traffic and police car sirens like you would hear in an urban city. We as the audience can also hear non- diegetic music in the background the music is soft sounding and ironically does not sound like music used in a thriller, but as the final couple titles appears the non-diegetic music becomes “darker” and faster in pace and more mysterious. The non-diegetic music dies down as the dialogue begins and there’s a downwards tilt towards the characters into a medium long shot. The characters are seen walking which is being filmed by a tracking shot the characters are also being shot in a low angle so the audience can see the buildings in the background to suggest the location is in an urban location.
Throughout the whole walking scene there is constant continuity there are not cuts until 02.30 seconds where we see a high angle shot of a man opening a door to an apartment because the shot is a high angle we can hardly see the real estate sales women so when see is trying to talk to the man we can see that their relationship is not so “friendly” there’s is then a cut from behind the real estate’s lady which communicates her authority with the audience the shot is still at a high angle shot which shows the relationship between the “powerful” male home owner character and the female real estate agent character. As the home owner and the real estate agent continue to argue, Jodie Kidd’s character (Potential Buyer) stops to look at the surroundings. This is shot in an MCU to show her reaction shot. At 03.03 seconds the audience is faced with a subjective camera angle which shows the audience four sets of locks on the door. The house is completely empty with no furnishing which makes the house look bleak and lonely. The lighting is also dark which makes the home look distraught. Even at 03.20 with the curtains pulled there is little light source because of the setting. As Jodie Kidd’s characters child scooters along the home we see more emptiness in the house.
Throughout the whole film I personally believe that location is one of the main focuses in this movie and I think it works very well. This film defiantly made me look into the set and location of our own production.
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