The film begins with an opening shot of the Brooklyn Bridge; in the background we hear the diegetic sound of Robert Deniro dialogue then we see an objective shot which fades into a close up of Robert Deniro. Then we see fast paced shots of Robert Deniro’s character in a gun shooting range. As Robert Deniro is firing his gun the camera shots are changing very fast in different camera angles which keep the audience a shock in what looks like more but is only 2 seconds of filming. At 0.20 seconds we see what looks like a Psychologist/Detective character in a low angle mid close up. The director has chosen another objective shot while this character is speaking, we then realise the Psychologist/Detective character is talking to Al Pacino character while Al Pacino’s character is still exchanging dialogue there is a fast fade into Al Pacino’s character cuffing what looks like a criminal up against a fence. This automatically insinuates that Al Pacino is a Police Officer. Between this shot the transition used is a contrast flash from dark colouring to bright colouring. As soon as the colouring is back we see a left hand, slight high angle, mid close up shot of Al Pacino’s character with a firearm and protection goggles and then a fast cut to Robert Deniro’s character in a right hand, slight high angle, mid close up shot also with a firearm and protection goggles which suggests that both men are on the same team (maybe even police partners).
They both exchange dialogue between each other and laugh which also suggests there close (even friends). The Psychologist/Detective character seems to be asking both Al Pacino & Robert Deniro’s characters a series of questions. As the Psychologist/Detective character asks his question there’s a fast cut into a side close up shot of Robert Deniro’s face as he answers the question, as he continues with his dialogue we see a mid close up of Robert Deniro putting down his gun at the gun range. There’s a quick cut to a shot of an unknown hand reloading a gun this goes into a very fast black out and we then go back to hearing the Psychologist/Detective character asking another question this time Al Pacino’s character answering as he is still talking we see a jump shot of the reloaded gun being clocked with the unidentified hand.
The Trailer of Righteous Kill is amazing as in terms of built suspense and thrill because the trailer in capitulates the audience by the wide use of shots and editing used this was defiantly an great source of thriller because it personally gave me an idea of how I wanted to fit much suspense in our own two minutes opening sequence.
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