Thursday, 12 February 2009

Planning of Location

We have come to decide that we will be filming in Turners Hill, a small, lonely village surrounded by views of the country side. The advantage of this is that Alex lives in Turners Hill meaning we can film inside his house. The rooms will include furniture that will need to be rearranged in order to give us enough space for lighting and props etc.

Producing a thriller and filming in Turners Hill will show the audience that crimes can take place anywhere including areas with many people around and homes, this will also help to create suspense and a thrilling atmosphere.

Our opening sequence we will be mainly setting our story in Alex's house as well as the road outside. With cars driving past at the time of something thrilling happening, this will show that our character cannot be helped and has no one on her side. It will create realism aswell, what we aim to include throughout our opening sequence is mundane realism, including every day activities such as the characeter getting up and getting ready for college. This is something the audience may do in their day to day lives, when the character comes to a problem, this is then frightening to the audience as it becomes realistic and could relate to their own lives.

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