Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Change In Story

Once we finished our storyboard, we noticed we would not be able to fit all the shots we wanted into our filming due to the time limit. We had to change what happened in our opening sequence in order to cut out any long lasting shots and replace with shots that wouldn't take as much precious time up. When thinking what we would do, an ellipsis came to mind, our opening sequence would be the ending of our film, afterwards going back in time to before Claire got kidnapped for the first time. We will not use linear sequencing by going back 2 years in time, this will be unrestricted narration for the audience as they will always know how it is going to end. The enigma is why it ends like that and why the kidnapper wants that girl. These are the questions that will be answered by going back in time in the story. By ending like it does, it could also leave the audience with a cliff hanger and is open to a sequel.

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